Feb 8, 2023 | Education, Facts, Insurance, Tips
What Cybercriminals Don’t Want You to Know Thieves are working extra hard this tax season to steal your information and gain access to your money. These cybercriminals use email and phone scams to trick taxpayers into revealing valuable information. In a tax tip...
Dec 8, 2022 | Home, Homeowners, Tips
Severe winter weather can cause power outages and loss of heat. Here are some tips on how to help handle an outage during the winter. Before the storm • Set your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings. • Check flashlights and portable radios. • Be sure to...
Nov 8, 2022 | Holiday, Home, Homeowners, Tips
We should all have at least one fire extinguisher somewhere in our home, but it’s not enough to simply keep one under the kitchen sink. If there is a fire, your safety—and the safety of your home—depends on knowing how to properly use that fire extinguisher. As your...
Dec 11, 2020 | Home, Insurance, Tips
Buying renters insurance to protect your stuff may seem like an unnecessary expense, until you experience a theft or fire in your rented home or apartment and lose some of your most treasured possessions forever. Whether you’re a longtime renter or starting out...