5 Home Improvement Projects That May Have the Biggest Return on Investment

Conventional wisdom has long held that kitchens and baths sell homes. Those are also two of the more expensive areas to tackle for home improvement, but if you make sound design decisions and choose the right materials, you could end up making your home more appealing...

Pet Safety: How to Keep Your Furry Friends Safe and Comfortable During the Summer

Summer is a fun time for humans and pets, but the rising temperatures can pose risks to our furry friends. Here are some essential tips to ensure your pets stay safe and comfortable during the summer season: Hydration is Key: Keep your pets well-hydrated by providing...

5 Common (and Potentially Costly) Homeowners Mistakes

Owning a home is usually a great experience. But it can also be a hassle, especially when unexpected issues pop up-whether you have a minor breakdown or a major catastrophe, it's almost certainly going to require time and money to fix. In many instances, however,...

5 Questions Newlyweds Have About Life Insurance

Many exciting elements make up life as a newlywed, especially when you’re just coming off the thrill of a wedding and honeymoon. You may be looking forward to settling into a new routine, while simultaneously aware that there are certain plans you need to make...

General and Professional Liability Insurance for Restaurants and Hospitality Businesses

All businesses need business insurance coverage. It helps cover the costs that might be associated with damage to property, as well as liability claims. Without the right coverage, business owners may have to pay out of pocket for claims made against their company....

We LOVE West Chester, Pennsylvania

In a month that celebrates love, we don’t want to forget the citizens of our beautiful community! Where we come from is important to us and every smiling face, every small business, and every town landmark holds a special place in our hearts. Here are just a few of...

Caring for Livestock During Winter Temperatures

Taking care of livestock during winter requires thoughtful planning and attention to their specific needs in cold temperatures. Providing adequate shelter is paramount to shield animals from harsh winds, precipitation, and extreme cold. Creating windbreaks, like...

Hauling Your Christmas Tree

You know it’s the holiday season when you see cars on their way home with a Christmas tree tied to their roof! While we love seeing this display of Christmas cheer, Westtown Insurance Group wants to ensure that if you’re planning to join the crowd traveling with...

Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday travel is on the planner! But wintry weather and extensive travel time can lead to safety hazards. Here are seven holiday travel safety tips to know before you hit the road. Have your car inspected or serviced before you leave, and keep an emergency kit in it....

Why It’s Important to Replace Your Roof for Your Homeowners Insurance

Whether it’s raining, hailing, or windy outside, your roof takes the brunt of all the harsh elements. However, if your roof has been neglected and isn’t in tip-top shape when bad weather hits, then you could be putting your home at risk for leaks or other potential...